[ale] [Fwd: [suse-oracle-announce] NOVELL: Novell Announces Agreement to Acquire Leading Enterprise Linux Technology Company SUSE LINUX]
Cory T. Echols
ctechols at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 5 11:20:18 EST 2003
On 11/05, Chris Ricker wrote:
> I'm a little confused as to why everything thinks Red Hat is not marketing
> to home users. Red Hat has two product lines, RH Enterprise Linux (for,
> well, enterprise users) and Fedora (for home, developers, hobbiests, etc.).
Fair enough. Red Hat does deserve more credit than I implied for
remaining hobbiest/tinkerer-friendly. I do wonder how effective Fedora
will be at serving the whims of the tinkerer while staying true to its
vision of a testbed for RHEL.
For example, Debian currently has an impressive suite of Common Lisp and
OCaml development tools. Obscure stuff, to be sure. Will Fedora be as
receptive to people who want to package this type of stuff? Personally,
I can see it going either way.
I'm optimistic about Fedora, but the plethora of smaller non-commercial
distributions that are beginning to get more recognition has me very
enthused as well.
Cory T. Echols
ctechols at mindspring.com
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