[ale] [Fwd: [suse-oracle-announce] NOVELL: Novell Announces Agreement to Acquire Leading Enterprise Linux Technology Company SUSE LINUX]

Chris Ricker kaboom at gatech.edu
Wed Nov 5 07:49:29 EST 2003

On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Cory T. Echols wrote:

> On 11/04, Chris Fowler wrote:
> > In the beginning there was Slackware and a few others.  I guess  in
> > the end they'll be Slackware and a few others.
> While RedHat, SUSE and company are slowly turning away from the home
> hacker market and focusing more on the 'enterprise', there is beginning
> to be a quiet explosion in the non-commercial distribution scene.  In
> addition to the venerable Slackware and Debian, there is crux, arch,
> vector, gentoo, lunar, sourcemage, knoppix, gnoppix, morphix and more.
> It may be a little sad that RedHat no longer markets itself to your home
> desktop.  In the end, though, distributions shooting for more narrow
> segments of the market, rather than trying to please everyone, is a very
> good thing.

I'm a little confused as to why everything thinks Red Hat is not marketing 
to home users. Red Hat has two product lines, RH Enterprise Linux (for, 
well, enterprise users) and Fedora (for home, developers, hobbiests, etc.).


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