[ale] PPP Perfromance

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat Nov 1 08:39:20 EST 2003

Christopher Fowler wrote:
> Now you guys have me thinking :)
> I have a vtun connection that use ppp.  This connection allows me to connect
> to a rmote location and ping all the machines there.  It basically 
> joins two networks.  To get top perfomance from it should I 
> modify mtu settings on any machine on my and the remote network?

I would suggest that you might be able to make a difference, but 
defaults are selected for a purpose.  The only time I could really see 
messing with the defaults would be in couple of cases, specifically:

Where pppoe requires a smaller value than 1500.

When you actually find you're having a problem, as in my case I posted 

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

Building secure systems inspite of Microsoft

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