[ale] Suse or Red Hat? (yes, yes, i know here we go again...)

ChangingLINKS.com x3 at ChangingLINKS.com
Fri Jun 20 12:37:41 EDT 2003

> Personally, with the advantage of YAST2, I can't imagine why you would 
> want to use apt.
> What is it you get with apt that you don't get with YAST2?

Ditto. For starters, installation. Most people look for apt, and then go get 
synaptic (as noted earlier on this thread). Yast can be installed 
automatically - and is responsible for the installation of the rest of the 

Yast2 has also gotten much better since 8.1.  It even shows graphic 
representations of the amount of space used on NFS.

Contrarily, apt-get installed plugins to play encrypted DVDs in RedHat. That 
feature seems to be lacking in Yast, however, last time I installed DVD, I 
simply clicked on the .rpm in the browser and Yast told me the order to 
install the rpms in and installed them automatically from the browser!
I was able to install everything using ONLY the mouse.

Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown
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Ale at ale.org

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