[ale] one or many...

Robert Coggins ALE at CogginsNet.com
Wed Dec 31 16:26:56 EST 2003

The reason I like to keep my /home partition is because it makes it 
easier to perform an upgrade.  I can reinstall a newer/different linux 
version and not format /home and most of my settings for my user are 
fine. just my 2 cents...

Jim Popovitch wrote:

> Geoffrey wrote:
>> By making / a separate partition:
>> You protect your / from being filled up by logs or stupid users.  
>> Makes things a bit easier when backing up individual partitions.
>> At least put /var /home on different partitions.
> A couple of extra points...  I will be the only user on this system.   
> It is my laptop, and it won't be running any services (not even 
> sshd).  Logging, if any, will be a minimum, so I am not worried about 
> filling up /var/log.   What I am worried about is any 
> filesystem/mount-point overhead, as well as delays associated with 
> moving large files from /home to /opt, or elsewhere.    The arguments 
> for separate filesystems are very strong when building servers and 
> multi-user workstations, I just don't see the same arguments when 
> building laptops for individual use.
> -Jim P.
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