[ale] OT: Re: posting to Linux mail list

Chris Ricker kaboom at gatech.edu
Sat Dec 20 08:59:05 EST 2003

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, aaron wrote:

> On Friday 19 December 2003 09:46, Christopher Fowler wrote:
> > What I'm trying to say is that I would like to see an integration of
> > UNIX and Windows.  Like OS X.  From a dumb user perspective, OS X is
> > doing UNIX on the desktop right.
> Don't know about any "dumb user" perspectives, but from a really smart and 
> informed user perspective (-: e.g. mine ;-) OSeX is most DEFINITELY doing 
> UNIX on the desktop right!  Mostly because it's not just Unix, but an Open 
> Source variety of Unix!

Not to start a total flame war, but I'd say it's more accurate to call it a
mediocre microkernel with a rudimentary Unix emulation layer glued on top,
alongside a lot of proprietary graphical goop.

But then, I don't like it very much ;-)


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