[ale] ClusterKnoppix

Jeff Layton jeffrey.b.layton at lmco.com
Wed Dec 17 09:41:11 EST 2003

I've used Rocks as well. the one I'm using now is called
Warewulf (warewulf-cluster.org). It has a lot of nice
features that Rocks or OSCAR or Scyld don't have.
it's very easy to setup and one very nice thing about
it, is that the compute nodes don't have to have a disk
in them! Very, very sweet.


> On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 08:46, Preston Boyington wrote:
> > I was talking with a friend and he mentioned "ClusterKnoppix".  Has 
> anyone
> > experimented with it?  Any real advantages/disadvantages you care to
> > mention?
> >
> > preston
> Just to throw it out there, Rocks Cluster is a really cool distro.  I
> had a non-operational 17-node cluster sitting idle.  Installed Rocks on
> the master node, and 17 minutes later, all 15 working nodes were up and
> running, and I was running benchmarks.    Pretty sweet.
> Jonathan
> -- 
> Jonathan Glass
> Systems Support Specialist II
> Institute for Bioengineering & Bioscience
> Georgia Institute of Technology
> Email: jonathan.glass at ibb.gatech.edu
> Office: 404-385-0127
> Fax: 404-894-2291
Dr. Jeff Layton
Aerodynamics and CFD
Lockheed-Martin Aeronautical Company - Marietta

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