[ale] Emulator vs. Virtual Machine

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Dec 15 13:19:37 EST 2003

I've used it with success for what I've had to do on a PII 350MHz 
machine w/256Mb RAM and while using a 1.2 Gb virtual disk image.  It was 
not snappy but was usable from my perspective.  (I'm patient with computers)

I now use it on a P4 2.8GHz and it is extremely snappy and very usable.  
If it was the main user interface for what I did on the computer, or if 
I used it alot during the day, I would definitely prefer a P3 1GHz or 
better machine with at least 128 MBs of RAM dedicated to the virtual 

Jeff Layton wrote:

> Hello,
>   Could someone help me with a 'discussion' I'm having.
> This other person is claiming that VMWare is an emulator
> and as a result is really slow. I'm claiming that VMWare
> is a Virtural machine and it's pretty darn quick. This other
> person also says there is little difference between emulators
> and virtual machine, at least as far as VMWare is concerned.
> Would someone like to jump to help me (or the other person)?
> Thanks!
> Jeff
> P.S. I've been using VMWare for about 4 years and found it
> to be very responsive, particularly on a dual CPU box.

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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