[ale] OT: spam from msn??

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Dec 11 07:49:56 EST 2003

Routinely, I run through the postings to the ale list which are held, 
primarily because they are posted by non-members.  As you might expect, 
99% of them are spam.  Over the past couple of days, I've seen a huge 
rise in the number of multiple spam messages by the same id and in every 
case the id is an msn id.  Generally, I see 1 sometimes 2 messages from 
the same id.  Recently though, I've seen instances of over 40 messages 
from the same msn id.  I'd say that I've dropped over 300 messages that 
have been posted by 5-10 different msn ids in the last 2 days.

Anyone know what's up, other than msn obviously is not dealing with 

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

Building secure systems inspite of Microsoft

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