[ale] Using existing Windows partition in vmware

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Tue Dec 2 10:15:22 EST 2003

That is amazing!  So it must provide the driver set for its virtual 
hardware but use the actual install.  Weird.  I'll have to look into 
this.  Does it perform better than a normal virtual machine?

George Johnson wrote:

> Preston Boyington wrote:
>> I don't think you can.  VMware creates/uses an image and not existing 
>> files from an actual installation.  To install your XP in VMware 
>> would require you to do a "physical" install within VMware (if you 
>> didn't already have an image).  This is not looked upon highly by the 
>> boys at Redmond as it is a (technically) "non-licensed multi-user 
>> install".  (I could be mistaken, read the EULA to be sure).
>> If you do this then men in suits will kick down your door and subdue 
>> you while taking any computer related equipment to their labs for 
>> "testing".  You will be held without a telephone call until you 
>> accept a plea bargain in which you will swear not to use said 
>> software and equipment on top of paying a fine that is far more than 
>> the cummulative cost of the material in question.
>> Wait... we were talking about the RIAA weren't we?
>> Preston
>> >
>> > Actually,  I have XP installed (a regular install, not a
>> > vmware image)
>> > on another disk, and I wanted to use that installation.  Is
>> > that possible?
>> >
>> > Jason
>> >
>> >  Dow Hurst wrote:
>> >
>> > > Yep, just transfer the files that represent the vmware to the new
>> > > machine.  The only caveat is that the vmware installation
>> > is the same
>> > > version.  Otherwise, the windows install will complain
>> > about having to
>> > > install new drivers for new hardware.  Think of it as
>> > unplugging a win
>> > > based PC and moving it to another physical location in the
>> > same LAN. > > The samba configs usually don't have to be changed 
>> either
>> > unless you
>> > > have a separate Samba server on the Linux workstation from
>> > the vmware
>> > > Samba server.
>> > > Dow
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Jason Vinson wrote:
>> > >
>> > >> Has anyone successfully configured vmware to use an
>> > existing windows
>> > >> (xp) installation instead of using a new virtual install?  I don't
>> > >> want to pay for another install of windows when i can just use my
>> > >> existing install on another harddrive.
>> > >>
>> > >> Thanks,
>> > >> Jason
>> > >>
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> I found that vmware saw an already installed win 98 partition on my 
> system and created a vmware install.  While it did see it and use it 
> there was no change to the mormal install which was a relief to me.  I 
> thought I had goofed seriously.  I would assume the same thing would 
> happen for xp.  I am going to do it myself on my laptop soon.
> That having been said, does anyone know of any share ware partition 
> tool to shrink up xp without harming it?  Let me know.
> gj
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