[ale] HELP! Installing Linux over Windows

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Aug 7 19:45:00 EDT 2003

James P. Kinney III wrote:
> <loads of stuff snipped out>
> The best way to do a dual boot with XP is to wipe the drive, partition
> the drive with fips, install XP on the first partition using NTFS for
> stability, or fat32 if you must access the filespace from Linux (a
> better way is to make a third partition that is fat32 so both XP and
> Linux can see it OK),

This prompts the question.  Would it be possible to use Samba to access 
the ntfs stuff safely?  So it's on the same machine, you share it via 
Samba and then mount it/access in the same way.  Anyone ever tried to do 

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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