[ale] I thought linux was supposed to NOT SUCK!

F. Grant Robertson f.g.robertson at alexiongroup.com
Fri Aug 1 16:39:23 EDT 2003

I can't offer any specific help, however..  Here are a few promising links.
Your probably just going to have to do alot of reading and twiddling until
you find the issue.

I can say however that limiting your search by Suse is probably not
effective, the kernel is the same regardless of distro, and since input from
the midi port would have to come through the kernel or a kernel module, I
would start there and "work up"





All of these were in the first few pages of this google search...


P.s. If "/dev/midi" isn't found, then you are almost certainly looking at a
kernel issue.  Missing or misconfigured module, or something in that arena.
-----Original Message-----
From: ale-admin at ale.org [mailto:ale-admin at ale.org]On Behalf Of GENE WILLIAMS
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: [ale] I thought linux was supposed to NOT SUCK!

programs that use midi I get this error:

"/dev/midi: "device not found"
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