[ale] php+oracle 9i linux help please

Zyman, Andy zymana at hra.nyc.gov
Wed Apr 16 13:51:00 EDT 2003

Try different query.
Does this query works while you are in sqlplus?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: J.M. Taylor [mailto:jtaylor at onlinea.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 1:24 PM
> To: ale at ale.org
> Subject: [ale] php+oracle 9i linux help please
> I got the Oracle 9.2.0 server running on one machine, and the 
> client on my
> workstation.  I can connect remotely using sqlplus, and 
> everything looks
> good.  Both machines are RH 7.3 if that makes any difference.
> I can also connect and parse a very simple query with PHP's 
> oci functions
> ("select table_name from user_tables").  But when I go to execute that
> query, I get:
> "OCIStmtExecute: ORA-01029: internal two task error."
> The official Oracle explanation for this is:
> "ORA-01029 internal two task error
>     Cause: Received a request to send the long again when 
> there is no long
>     Action: Contact Oracle Support Services."
> Which may as well be in Swahili for all the sense it makes to me. :(
> I've followed all the instructions I can find about setting my env for
> apache's user, for PHP, etc, and it's actually *connecting*, 
> but the exec
> fails.
> This happens whether I try to use php's oci functions on a 
> remote machine,
> or on the same machine as the oracle server.
> I've been googling of course, and on PHP.net and several 
> other places, but
> thought I'd give ALE a shot too.  Anybody ever seen this? Can anybody
> help?
> Thanks
> jenn
> -- 
> Jenn Taylor
> Onlinea Software
> jtaylor at onlinea.com
> www.onlinea.com
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