[ale] Dan Gillmor on Microsoft

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Fri Oct 18 14:14:52 EDT 2002

I should clarify:

I am normally a happy up kind of person.  However, recent political 
decisions such as DMCA and it ramifications, plus Palladium, the 
government's obstinate blindeye stance toward MicroSoft, and MicroSoft's 
continued success in spite of their trangressions, have been really 
depressing to be reminded of.  I don't really want a different list and 
I appreciate all the posts for the informational content.  This is 
really the only list I've found worth following on a daily basis.  So I 
apologize for my attitude lately.  I am sure that if we individually do 
what American citizens have the right to do, speak up politically, that 
we will have done our duty.  I will do my best to do mine.

I did enjoy the days when Linux was all that we talked about and we 
could ignore politics and MS antics.  Those days are over and the battle 
is in full force.  Almost feels like Lord of the Rings or a Biblical 
type confrontation between David and Goliath. ;-)   Let's not let this 
post develop into a huge OT elephant though.  Thanks,

Jim wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>Microsoft is reporting record profits from the last quarter, which they 
>attribute largely to their new, extortionary licensing scheme. I thought 
>htese words from Silicon Valley columnist Dan Gillmor were worth sharing with 
>everybody on the list:
>Microsoft Piggy Bank Tops $40 Billion
>Posted by Dan Gillmor
>What happens when a monopolist raises prices? One guess.
>Microsoft hit the jackpot in the most recent quarter, ringing up a staggering 
>$4 billion profit on sales of $7.7 billion. I hope reporters covering this 
>story note some of the subtleties, including Microsoft's strategy of not 
>counting some of the profits until later years and its continual accumulation 
>of cash.
>As of Sept. 30, Microsoft had gone over the $40 billion mark in cash and 
>short-term investments (effectively the same). Think about that -- $40 
>What is Microsoft going to do with this money? They can't spend it fast enough 
>internally, and the top shareholders, who control the company, refuse to 
>issue dividends (this saves Bill Gates et al billions in taxes). Prediction: 
>Once Microsoft is out from under what's left of the antitrust case, it'll go 
>on a strategic investment and acquisition spree the likes of which you cannot 
>even imagine.
>The monopoly continues, unabated, and could even grow stronger. Innovation is 
>almost dead in desktop software, where Microsoft has sucked the financial 
>oxygen out of the system. The company's behavior doesn't improve. It's no 
>coincidence. Too bad we no longer have a government that's willing to enforce 
>the antitrust laws, and technology buyers who feel so trapped they won't even 
>consider alternatives. Life, circa 2002.
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Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428
Systems Support Specialist    Fax: 770-423-6744
1000 Chastain Rd., Bldg. 12
Chemistry Department SC428  Email:dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Kennesaw State University         Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Kennesaw, GA 30144
*Computational Chemistry is fun!*

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