[ale] OT: Best [tech] places to live and work in Atlanta....

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Wed Oct 16 08:46:12 EDT 2002


My family and I are considering a move to a new house, and I've been
thinking pretty hard about where that house should be.

Given the nature of our field and its high turnover rate, I'd like to move
to an area of Atlanta with a high concentration of tech companies, so that
if I move on from one job, I won't be completely isolated (or a 45-mile
commute) from any others...(i.e., Kennesaw ;-)).

So, where are the best places from a tech perspective to live in Atlanta,
aside from downtown?  I've heard Alpharetta has a pretty good number of
firms, but wanted to hear opinions from the group.



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