[ale] Can almost switch

Danny Cox danscox at mindspring.com
Tue Nov 26 11:45:08 EST 2002


On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 11:10, Bill Hamilton wrote:
> - VPN to connect to work intranet
> - Internet Explorer (Because Webex doesn't support any other browser)
> VPN Message:
> The module you are trying to load 
> (/lib/modules/2.4.18-18.8.0/CiscoVPN/cisco_ipsec) is compiled with a gcc 
> version 2 compiler, while the kernel you are running is compiled with a 
> gcc version 3 compiler.  This is known to not work.
> I don't want to go back to RedHat 7.3, anyone have any ideas on how I 
> might deal with this problem.  My IT shop is not offering up anything 
> past Cisco VPN 3.6.1 client software.

	Well, you may try compiling your kernel with a 2.96 compiler (see
compat-gcc in 8.0).  Then, the cisco ipsec package shouldn't complain.

	I've purchased the Crossover Office from CodeWeavers, and it works
great, including IE.  It was $50, and I don't remember for how long that
is, but if you need it, and the other suggestions don't work out, this
is one alternative....

Danny Cox <danscox at mindspring.com>
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