[ale] Topic for next ALE NW meeting June 16th

David S. Jackson deepbsd at earthlink.net
Sat May 25 14:54:18 EDT 2002

On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 01:15:10PM -0400 Geoffrey The Esoteric <esoteric at 3times25.net> wrote:
> With David's acceptance, I'll put together the announcement.  I believe 
> Greg offered to assist, therefore I'd need a short bio from both for the 
> announcement.

I accept, Baby!

One thing, communication is hard enough to accomplish face to face, but
preparing something as complicated as a bash mini-seminar as a brand new
two-man team could be daunting, to me at least.

I think the end-result would be more cohesive if just one of us were
responsible for it.  Team-teaching such a thing is a little too
sophisticated for me.  But I certainly need help with outline, examples,
critiques of code and so forth that I'll prepare for the list and class
prior to the presentation date.  

Also, I don't really have any experience making slides for a
presentation, so any help getting those ready would help.  Why don't I
get the outline fleshed out, along with mini-exercises, and perhaps even
a little workbook of, say, 10 pages or something.  And then whatever the
best way to get all that across in handouts, exercises, arm-waving, etc,
y'all can "edicate" me with.

That way, any special examples or problems can be elucidated and
incorporated by the time of the presentation.

Howdat sound?

David S. Jackson                        dsj at dsj.net
I have a map of the United States.  It's actual size.
I spent last summer folding it.  People ask me where
I live, and I say, "E6".  -- Steven Wright

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