[ale] Apache Training in Atlanta

Paul D. Manno paul at dblegl.atl.ga.us
Mon Mar 4 15:02:16 EST 2002

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Ian Kennedy wrote:

> Right, sorry. I am a web designer/developer in charge of design, development and administration of www.worldair.com - I am proficient in the design and development areas, but I have no experience (outside of the past month) working with Apache (or Linux for that matter). 
> If I can find a course which includes Apache configuration inside of a broader Linux Administration course, that would be fantastic (the training budget is decent and I would love to learn the Linux OS using company cash). As far as specifics, I would like to learn basic configuration (including virtual hosts, etc.), module installation, cgi, perl, php and database connectivity (MySQL). So I guess I'm looking more for a comprehensive overview to give me a good foundation.
> Anyone have a recommendation? Thanks,
> Ian
> >>> Denny Chambers <dchambers at snapserver.com> 03/04/02 12:27PM >>>
> Sorry, I don't know of any places that I can recommend for Apache
> training. It might help other folks though if we knew what your goals
> were for taking the training class. I.E. Are you interested in
> development, administration, etc...? If Administration, is there a
> particular area of interest (Secure Web Server, DSO modules, CGI/Servlet
> use within Apache, etc...? A course that may have been good for one
> person, may not be what you are looking for.
> just my two cents,
> Denny  

Not sure how well it fits your needs but I'll point you to Georgia Tech's 
College of Computing Training's web site and invite you to get additional 
opinions.  At least it's a start.

    http://www.gtcoc.com	or	http://www.cc.gatech.edu/conted

-- Paul

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