[ale] OT - Entry Level Job Opening

Charles Marcus CharlesM at Media-Brokers.com
Tue Jul 30 09:21:44 EDT 2002

Actually, shops like this are perfect candidates for an LTSP network.  Uses
plain, vanilla PCs as clients, and centralized Server based management is a
snap.  The users are usually thrilled that they can get away form those ugly
old green terminals, *and* you can also provide them with X-applications
like OpenOffice, Mozilla, etc for writing letters, browsing the web and
doing email.


> From: Adrin [mailto:haswes at mindspring.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 9:19 AM
> Actually they sound like a support shop, much like the one I
> work for.  Well sort of.
> You have a bunch of doctors that have old equipment and they
> don't want to buy new equipment. Then you have a problem of
> not being able to find someone with the knowledge to support
> it.  because most of the people that know about terminals,
> serial boards.  Either have a good job or would rather be a
> fry cook than to support that older stuff.  not that it
> isn't reliable or anything.  It is just so old that it gets
> harder to fix every time it breaks.  And then everyone
> blames the Nix part of it.  Tell you start showing them up
> times.
> I beat a soda they are trying to convert the clients over to
> M$ also.
> Adrin

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