[ale] DNS Server Config for Two Domain Names?

Joe Morris jolomo at olagrande.net
Wed Jul 17 10:26:43 EDT 2002

Not so long ago Matt Smith wrote:
> Yes it will work in either version, other than the syntax of the config

This works as far back as I ever went (BIND 4)

> file.  I forget when they went from the named.boot to the named.conf, when
> the changed the syntax slightly, but the general technique will work in
> either.

BIND 8/9 both use named.conf and 9 has some interesting new things
like rndc keys (which you have to configure) and "views" to make
simple split-horizon environments much easier to maintain.

  Joe Morris, SysAdmin and Not Insane
  Atlanta stories: http://jolomo.net        jolomo at olagrande.net

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