[ale] OT - DSL

Charles Marcus CharlesM at Media-Brokers.com
Fri Jul 12 06:40:18 EDT 2002

> From: Geoffrey [mailto:esoteric at 3times25.net]
> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 9:09 PM
>> <sigh>
>> I didn't *say* these were *guaranteed* speeds, did I?  sheesh...

> Gee, what kinda business you running?

Golly, hmmmm. Maybe, one where the owner of the company refused to pay for a
T-1 when we could get ADSL for less than a tenth the cost?

In reality, it's worked out very well for us - I know, we've been lucky,
but - well - there it is.

We aren't hosting anything from here (its all on Rackspace Servers), so we
don't really need the outbound bandwidth - all we need is fairly reliable
browsing and email capabilities.  This little $60/mo ADSL line has worked
very well for an office of 12 that grew to over 30, and saved us a bundle
when compared to a T-1, or even SDSL.


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