[ale] Reply to ALE messages

Michael E. Barker mbarker68 at home.com
Tue Jan 29 08:52:55 EST 2002

Jim Popovitch wrote:
> Seriously, there are valid reasons for both reply-to-list and
> reply-to-sender.  Unfortunately neither will satisfy everyone.  I run an
> unrelated list that is a reply-to-list and quite frequently folks ask for it
> to be reply-to-sender.

There are situations where it may be best to keep things between you and
the replyee.  Such as informing them of a broken link.  If they so
choose to share that with the list let them decide.

If the reply contains pertinent information or oppinions that would
benefit the list, technically or entertaining, then share it.

There are ways to stop the multiple sending to sender(s) and list,
simply reply-to-all and remove unwanted addys.

> HaHaHa!, you'll have better luck starting a flame war by just briefly saying
> that vi or emacs is better than the other.  ;-)

Emacs RULES!  I'm quite fond of the X version.  Nevertheless; I can vi
to survive.


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