[ale] Stuck in 2.4.4 kernel compilation...

Amarendra Godbole (Intl Vendor) v-amarg at microsoft.com
Wed Feb 20 09:51:06 EST 2002

> At this point, it sounds like you are going to need to start with a
> fresh untar of 2.4.4, NOT apply the patch, make [x|menu]config, make
> dep, make bzImage. Then make clean, patch, make 
> [x|menu]config to select
> the patched options, make dep, make bzImage. 
> If the unpatched kernel compiles and the patched kernel 
> won't, then you
> know where the problem is :)

Righto, have been doing this with the unpatched kernel. But it refuses
to compile. As I am not familiar with the .config options, I did a make
oldconfig, which disabled the CONFIG_NETLINK option. If I compile the
kernel with the old configuration, it compiles and installs fine. But
when the machine boots into it, eth0 does not come up. And I am lost...

...some search on Google told me that you need to enable the
CONFIG_NETLINK option for the interface code to be included, but
enabling this fails the compilation.


Amarendra A. Godbole / Microsoft ``Services For UNIX'' / These opinions
are _MINE_.
Falling in love is a lot like dying.  You never get to do it enough to
become good at it.

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