[ale] OT: H1B

Hogg, Russell E ctcrreho at opm.gov
Thu Dec 19 10:21:49 EST 2002

" Americans kill me sometimes "

Hey now, don't judge us all like that.  There are what maybe several hundred people on this list, only a few have stepped off the deep end with their blame of immigrants for their problems.  For what it's worth most of them are probably out of a high paying job.  Well I've been there before so it's ok with me if they vent a little.  

My guess is that their views would be much more moderate and based on logic and understanding if they weren't worried about where the next mortgage payment is coming from.

A lot of the posters, and the probably the vast majority of the folks on the list, have very reasonable viewpoints.  

As for voting Republican/Conservative, that's the only real choice you have.  If we flit away our economic advantage then our way of life will go with it.  For what it's worth Liberal economic policy (or maybe even understanding) has been trounced on this list several times lately.  

(Grant Robertson going 1 against 3 or 4 if memory serves) 

My guess is that most of the people on the list who vote liberal do so because they believe in the social policies of the Democratic Party.  I certainly hope this is the case, as opposed to a belief that they are a victim of some sort of conservative conspiracy, as a couple of posters here have said.  (Rich people don't pay taxes is the quote that comes to mind.)

I think I can safely say that one of the tenements of success is not "think of your self as a victim".

In a general sense I tend to agree with conservative social ideals as well.  The difference is that I don't have specific facts that support my beliefs like I do with economics.  

On the next issue raised: how far are we willing to go?  Sure following every immigrant from a terrorist harboring country sounds like a good idea.  But how far do you take it?  Don't you think they'll just a find a way to start coming as French Citizens if we stop them from coming from Arabic countries. (those darn French!) And hey all this shit costs money too.  Money that isn't feeding the hungry or educating the poor.  

The truth is that being free carries with it a whole lot of risk.  A scary amount of risk.  And we have to decide how free or un-free we are willing to be.  

Remember, racial profiling works, but it's prejudice in action.
Whats worth more?  Our security or our ideals?  

Think of the big picture before you answer.  We have a responsibility to the generations that follow us. 

Ok somebody post that Ben Franklin quote now.

My last post garnered me no flames, I trust this one will do better.


_ __________________ _
ctcrreho at opm.gov

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