[ale] Now that DirecTV DSL is discontinuing...

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Dec 18 09:16:34 EST 2002

Jay Finch wrote:

> 3) What is the major diff between PPPoE vs Static?  I keep hearing 
> hullabaloo about how much PPPoE sucks, but I haven't noticed any reasons 
> other than the inconvenience factor.  (Plus I use an external Firewall, 
> so a USB device wouldn't work for me, and I understand BS.N has a lot of 
> those USB DSL modems)

I've heard that pppoe can cost you up to 20% of your throughput.  It's 
also an extra, unnecessary process on your box.

> 4) Anything else that could be shared re: these providers?  Are there 
> any others I should consider?

I've been very pleased with speedfactory.  I work from home, so I have a 
very good idea of the availability.  I've been with them since atlnet 
went toes up and I've NEVER had a major outage (>30 minutes).

I personally would stay away from Bellsouth.  They are the local 
monopoly and that should be enough reason to go elsewhere.

> Thanks in advance. :~)
> Cheers!
> Jay
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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