[ale] OT- Transition to fast access

F. Grant Robertson f.g.robertson at alexiongroup.com
Mon Aug 26 17:09:50 EDT 2002

>Yes, I think it is a waste of time - I don't even think they'd attempt an
>install at that distance.

Not so fast there...  I'm _at_ 36,500 feet, and this email will go out over
my DSL at 256k up/1.5 down. Depends on what equipment is in the area.  If
Bellsouth's fast access site says you qualify, you can get something

However, if they'd done this in your area you'd probably know.  I'm in an
area with a miserable excuse for a cable system, so without DSL availability
I was screwed.  I waited almost 4 years for the neighborhood DSL upgrade
but, now that it's here it works fabulous.

YMMV, check with your locals and look at all your options before making a

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