[ale] Perl guide
fletch at phydeaux.org
Wed Feb 21 10:34:48 EST 2001
>>>>> "James" == James Kinney <jkinney at localnetsolutions.com> writes:
James> www.perl.org is the main perl site. There is documentation
James> there. However, the best starting book is the "camel"
James> book, "Learning Perl".
_Learning Perl_ is the Llama, _Programming Perl_ is the Camel.
Get your spitting beasts of burden straight. :)
The former is an introductory text (but it's still aimed more
towards those with some programming experience (with C or sh/awk/sed)
than the total non-programmer), the latter is more of a reference.
Also check out:
For more books and other pointers on getting started with
Fletch | "If you find my answers frightening, __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org | Vincent, you should cease askin' \ o.O'
770 933-0600 x211(w) | scary questions." -- Jules =(___)=
| U
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