[ale] rpm heck

Tommie M. Jones tj at atlantageek.com
Thu Dec 27 17:04:40 EST 2001

I am at the end of my rope here.
when trying to install bonobo I get the following
oaf >= 0.6.7

then I do the following
[root at intelliforge1 rpm-packages]# rpm -ivh oaf-0.6.7-3mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
	liboaf.so.0   is needed by oaf-0.6.7-3mdk

[root at intelliforge1 rpm-packages]# rpm -ivh liboaf0-0.6.7-3mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
	oaf >= 0.6.7 is needed by liboaf0-0.6.7-3mdk

does anyone have an idea of where I can find liboaf.

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