[ale] Creative CD DVD and Ensonic 1370

Prasanna Subash psubash at turbolinux.com
Mon Jul 17 15:33:11 EDT 2000

if realplay works then all your sound devices are probably configured

its possible your cd out volume is set to zero. run
xmixer/ossmixer/alsa(?)mixer(?) and try to increase the volume.

Armsby John-G16665 wrote:
> I currently run red hat 2.0.35 (5.1) with a 4Front Technologies driver to
> enable my Creative DVD CDROM to play tunes through my pci 128 (Ensonic 1370)
> sound card.  Attempts to upgrade to red hat 5.2 and 6.1 results in a machine
> which works great EXCEPT the cdrom won't play tunes.  Everything else works.
> I can mount the cdrom etc.  I have RealPlay installed and it plays mp3 files
> through the card to the speakers with the 5.2 and 6.1 upgrades.  I ended up
> dropping back to 2.0.35.
> I have simple knowledge about recompiling kernels.  I can go through
> xconfig, make dep, and (because I am cautious) make bzdisk.  I don't really
> feel comfortable with patches (ignorant). The instructions could be improved
> upon...
> Can someone point me toward a FAQ or previous post.  I KNOW others have had
> this problem.
> John
> --
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