[ale] Re: [svlug] EVENT: Burn All GIFs Day.

Drew Bertola drew at drewb.com
Sat Aug 28 22:09:35 EDT 1999

Reginald B. Charney writes:
> Can we not do something more direct? I am thinking of placing a filter
> plugin for Netscape and IE on my machine that does 2 things:
> 1) it replaces any GIF image by a black or empty box and
> 2) automatically replies to the web page site sending the GIF that GIF
> are not supported/acceptable - please replace with PNG or JPEG (JPG)
> images.

That tends to punish the victims more than the culprits.

The converter can be done through the gimp using Image->RGM, SaveAs
whatever.png (don't forget to Index -> RGB or you will probably lock
up the gimp during the SaveAs).  I'll try to see if this can be
scripted for the command line.  As I understand, this should be easy,
though I've never done it.

Can someone cook up a sed to /.gif/.png/ for html files.  That would
also be nice.  Maybe something like:

for f in *.html
cat $f | sed 's/\.gif/\.png/g' > $f


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