[ale] problem with libraries

Joe Bayes jbayes at cc.gatech.edu
Mon Jun 2 23:25:45 EDT 1997

Joe typeth:

>>gcc -o pilot-sync pilot-sync.o tasks.o pilot_connect.o comm.o util.o
>> default.o -L/usr/local/lib -L/lib  -ldl -lpisock 
>Here, pilot-sync has linked successfully, and you have a (presumably
>fully-functional) pilot-sync executable. But then things get hairy:

Whups! Dunno how I missed that...

>>gcc   default.o pilot-sync   -o default
>We're now trying to build an executable by linking default.o to the
>LINKED EXECUTABLE pilot-sync! This is a really bad idea, because now
>This looks to me like a bad Makefile configuration. I bet default.o is
>really s'posed to be linked with pilot-sync.o, not pilot-sync.

Yup, that's it. Turns out that the first entry in the makefile was
called "default". But there was a "default.c" file in the source
directory. I renamed "default" in the makefile to "all" and it works
fine now.

>BTW, what the heck is pilot-sync?

Those silly folks at USR forgot to write a linux package to interface
with the Pilot PDA, instead choosing to write one for Win95. Someone
saw fit to correct this little omission, and pilot-sync is the

Thank you very very much. :)


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