[ale] [Fwd: Re: MicroStation for Linux]
Michael Morris
mjm at avana.net
Tue Feb 11 00:45:42 EST 1997
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I thought some of you might be interested in this.
(o o)
| Michael Morris |
| EMS Technologies, Inc. E-mail: mjm at avana.net |
| 660 Enginering Dr. Home: 770-453-9542 |
| Norcross, GA 30092 Work: 770-263-9200 x4363 |
| Fax: 770-263-9207 |
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Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 21:53:18 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Hamstra <mhamstra at sullivan.bentley.com>
To: Michael Morris <mjm at avana.net>
cc: mark.hamstra at bentley.com
Subject: Re: MicroStation for Linux
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On Sun, 9 Feb 1997, Michael Morris wrote:
> Mark,
> I understand from my posting on the Atlanta Linux Enthusiast newsgroup
> (ale at cc.gatech.edu) that you ported MicroStation to Linux and that it is
> available in an academic version.
> How can I obtain your Linux port? There is considerable interest among
> the Atlanta Linux community (based out of Georgia Tech).
Yes, indeed I did port MicroStation95 (as well as MasterPiece) to Linux,
Yes, they are available as part of the new MicroStation Academic Suites.
I just got back from Detroit, where I had to spend the whole day working
on another project, and I half expected to see the official announcement
of the new Academic products on our main web page when I got back. It's
not there yet, but it should be in the next few days --unless something
has changed over in the other half of the building that Sales and
Marketing haven't told me about.
Keep your eyes on http://www.bentley.com, http://www.bentley.com/academic,
and c.o.l.a. You will need to get the new Academic Suite through the
existing Academic distribution channel, which essentially means you need
to get in contact with your local Bentley reseller. This information is
available from http://www.bentley.com/academic
I'm glad Georgia Tech academic users are interested, they won't be
disappointed. If you have non-academics in the Atlanta Linux community
who want to use MicroStation/Linux commercially, they probably will be
disappointed --at least in the short-term. While Bentley has nothing
against fully supporting Linux commercially, we won't put ourselves in the
position of losing money in doing so. Since our product certification and
support processes entail a great deal of upfront expense, we won't be
offering the Linux ports for non-academic use until a sufficient number of
new commercial license requests are made.
Anyone wishing to add his or her name to the list of would-be commercial
licensees of MicroStation for Linux should stop by
http://www.bentley.com/products.change-request.html and make such a
request known.
Mark Hamstra
Bentley Systems, Inc.
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