[ale] re: linux vs SCO

Geoffrey Myers geof at denali.abraxis.com
Tue Nov 12 14:24:49 EST 1996

}>Here're 3 reasons from one who used to run SCO but switched to Linux:
}>Last time I checked, you don't get the source code with the SCO unix.
}>So what happens if you run into a problem?  Who you gonna call?  With
}>Linux, you can look for yourself, or post here or to one of the newsgroups
}>where people familiar with the source can provide answer.
}I did try it. 1.1.59 umsdos. I loved it. Then I decided to upgrade
}to 2.0.
}X windows did not work. I need to upgrade to 3.2 and hope for the

I don't know if you have, but you might post your hardware configuration
to this list and the appropriate newsgroups.  That is, once you've checked
out the proper docs first.

}I could not get my postcript printer to work without a lot of 
}reading. I got aps-filter and it did not work. I had an older
}version and did not know it. I still can't print ascii files,
}but after much reading I now know what to do to write a needed

See above.

}My fdformat will not work on several floppys all of which are
}new. I have no idea where to look to solve this. Nor did I get
}any help yet from this group on my recent post. I don't even know
}what nfo I should post to get help. man fdformat was no help.
}I grepped the linux faqs. I will look for a floppy howto and maybe
}the source for fdformat. 
}     I would appreciate any suggestions on what to try or read to
}     solve my fdformat problem

Check out the linux doc web page, more info then you'll ever need.

}So I am tempted to try SCO, hoping a stripped down version will
}work. I do not require a lot from linux/unix. I would like a 
}windowing system, a printer and a floppy for backup.

You can get all of this in Linux.

}And uucp. I haven't tried that yet.
}However, I will keep plugging for a while at least and hope things
}get better. They couldn't get worse. Besides, I enjoy learning what
}makes stuff tick. That is what I like about linux.

I will say this.  If you want Linux to work and you want all the bells
an whistles, you will spend much time researching and reading.  If you
are not willing to spend the time, then you'll just be frustrated.
Linux is a challenge.  It's fun.

}In the meantime I can use win95 for zmodem transfer, rlogins,
}editing and printing. Right now I am glad to have it.

Well, it works.  But if you want to have a robust system that you don't
have to reboot once a week (or day) you want Linux.  I can have a browser
5 or 6 xterms and an ftp process cooking all at the same time, try that
in 95 and I guarantee you will get our old friend GPF.

Until later:
Geoffrey Myers   geof at abraxis.com

	Opinions expressed by me are mine, all mine, only mine.....

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