[ale] Future Meetings

John M. Mills jmills at siberia.gtri.gatech.edu
Fri Mar 29 10:51:27 EST 1996

>Marc A. Torres writes:
>>	When does the campus lock-down take place?
>The campus is closed from July 1 - Aug 10.  That knocks out the July
>and August meeting...
>>	And, are we going to schedule meetings during the 
>>	era of the olympic village elsewhere?
>I think that's a good idea.  

I would prefer the Emory venue if it's available, but GTRI _has_
conference rooms out here at CCRF (Smyrna, next to Lockheed/Martin
and the Atlanta Naval Air Station), and we hold professional meetings here.
I checked, and normally it is only necessary to request our gates be kept
open past the usual 8:00 pm closing time.  I expect a room would be
available, since we have plenty of time to plan.  (Olympic conflicts
might impact this too, if other organizations wish to use CCRF rooms.)
It would be free to use the space.

Let me know if this turns out to be the best altenative.

Regards --jmm--

John M. Mills, Senior Research Engineer   --   john.m.mills at gtri.gatech.edu
   Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 30332-0853
        Phone contacts: 770.528.3258 (voice), 770.528.7083 (FAX)
          "Lies, damned lies, statistics, and simulations."

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