[ale] ghostview

Pinwu Xu pxu at eng.ua.edu
Wed Mar 20 17:28:42 EST 1996

On Wed, 20 Mar 1996, Steven A. Duchene wrote:

> 	I would have thought there would have been a more intellegent error
> 	message returned when trying to run ELF executables on a non-ELF
> 	system. This may be a consequence of trying to execute the executable
> 	on the cammand line by relying on the shell's execution PATH to find
> 	the executable rather than giving the full pathname on the command
> 	line. If that's true you might try typing the full path name on
> 	the command line or cd'ing to the directory where you have ghostscript
> 	installed and typing ./gs to see what happens then.
> --
> Steve DuChene              sad at hpuerca.atl.hp.com               1-800-633-3600
> 	       The HP North American Response Center, Atlanta
> 		   X/Vue/xterminal/graphics support team
>     		    I am an employee of Hewlett-Packard.
I had this problem before. My system is Slackware3.0, ELF kernel1.2.13. 
When I installed the Chinese cxterm ELF exectuables on my box, they are 
in /usr/local/chinese/bin. Then I just could not run them, though I have 
tried change my $PATH in /etc/profile, run them with absolute path, or cd 
into /usr/local/chinese/bin then run ./cxterm. The result were the same, 

cxterm: no such file or directory.

file it gives 32bit ELF executables,... 

Somebody suggested that I run it with strace, but as I got that mail, 
I've already given up(deleted those exectuables) so I don't know if it 
works or not. 

So far I still don't know the answer. If anybody knows, please shed light.

*                                                                *
*  Pinwu Xu                                                      *
*  pxu at buster.eng.ua.edu                                         *
*  pxu3 at ua1vm.ua.edu                                             *
*  http://www.eng.ua.edu/college/people/pxu/index.html           *
*                                                                * 

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