[ale] diskette drive problems

Christopher Fowler cfowler at www.topform.com
Mon Jul 29 14:03:29 EDT 1996

Can some of you give me some input on this problem.  We have several customners
who never use there floppy drives for 3+ years straight.  Most of the time
these drives go bad.  How would it work if I installed lilo on the floppy to go
to  the first partition and boot it up.  I want to leave the floppy in the
drive until they need to use the drive.  What do you think about this plan?  

Christopher Fowler
To contact me:  cfowler at www.topform.com
Computer Software, INC. * 303 Research Drive * Norcross, GA 30092
Phone: (770) 448-1484 * FAX: (770) 448-3949
http://www.topform.com * http://www.topform.com/~cfowler

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