[ale] Linux compile taking *REALLY* long

Dan Newcombe newcombe at aa.csc.peachnet.edu
Wed Jul 17 10:17:30 EDT 1996

How much memory do you have???  On my 386/33(DX) w/8M with the 1.3.81 kernel 
(probably about the same size) it took at least 2 hours.  Gee....I 
remember when the kernel was so small it took <30 minutes on that 

However, your's sounds like it is going TOO slow.  Also, the step you 
listed (I think) is one of the first steps. (I think the kernel 
subdirectory is one of the first it hits.)

> I'm compiling a new kernel on a 486sx/25.  I started the compile last 
> night around 6pm or so, and it's now 9am and it's still running.  That 
> can't be normal - I mean I know it's a slow machine and all, but come 
> on!  It's currently doing (and it's been doing this step since last night):

Dan Newcombe - Clayton State College - User Services - 770-961-3421 
newcombe at aa.csc.peachnet.edu  http://www.csc.peachnet.edu/home/dan/
- I'm a citizen of Legoland, travelling Incommunicado.
                                  (Marillion, Incommunicado)

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