[ale] Linux compile taking *REALLY* long

Alfred Grahame Leach aleach at cc.gatech.edu
Wed Jul 17 09:06:38 EDT 1996

Hey everybody,

I'm compiling a new kernel on a 486sx/25.  I started the compile last 
night around 6pm or so, and it's now 9am and it's still running.  That 
can't be normal - I mean I know it's a slow machine and all, but come 
on!  It's currently doing (and it's been doing this step since last night):

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/kernel'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -03 
-fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -m486 -c ksyms.c

It seems to still be going - it's pinging the hard drive probably 2 or 3 
times per second...  However, I'm losing hope that it's doing anything 
useful.  Any suggestions as to how to more successfully compile a kernel 
for this machine?

DELL 425s/L
Adaptec 1515 SCSI
Conner SCSI hd
NEC Multispin 3xp plus SCSI
video on motherboard w/512k
Intel Ether Express (any suggestions on configuring this 'semi-supported'
			card would be highly appreciated as well - it's the
			reason I'm rebuilding the kernel in the first place
			- everything else works with the stock kernel RedHat
RedHat Picasso Linux w/1.2.13 kernel

TIA for any suggestions...

- Al

  | Al Leach              |  Georgia Tech              | Sailing is:       |
  | Graduate Student      |  College of Computing      |  hours and hours  |
  | MS, CS/Networking     |  Atlanta, GA 30332         |  of boredom,      |
  +-----------------------+----------------------------|  punctuated by    |
  | email: aleach at cc.gatech.edu                        |  moments of sheer |
  | WWW: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/home/aleach   |  stark terror...  |
  |     < Georgia Tech - Olympic Village of the 1996 Summer Olympics >     |

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