[ale] day didn't change??

Geoffrey Myers geof at denali.is.net
Sat Aug 24 11:32:03 EDT 1996

A most bizarre thing happened this week.  I got up this morning, Saturday
at 5:00 and found that my Linux box thought it was Friday, exactly 24 hours
off.  I then started looking around and found the following disturbing info
in the cron log:

22-Aug-96 23:45  USER geof .....................................
22-Aug-96 23:46  USER geof .....................................
22-Aug-96 23:46  USER root pid 226 cmd /usr/lib/atrun
22-Aug-96 00:03  /usr/sbin/crond V2.2 dillon, started
22-Aug-96 00:04  USER root pid 103 cmd /usr/lib/atrun
22-Aug-96 00:05  USER geof .....................................

As you can see, when the hour rolled through midnight, the day didn't change.
To complicate things, I upgraded my kernel (2.0.13) at 8:00 pm on the 22nd,
just a few hours before this aberation.  It appears that the days changed fine
on subsequent days.  Anyone seen anything like this?

Until later:
Geoffrey Myers   geof at denali.is.net   Unix.Guru.Dude at worldnet.att.net
	http://www.ticllc.net/~geof  or http://denali.is.net/~geof

	Opinions expressed by me are mine, all mine, only mine.....

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