[ale] simple question, impossible answer

George Nies gnies at Lanier.COM
Wed Aug 7 18:10:49 EDT 1996

> Linux.  All I want to do is configure the box so that a set of routes is
> added each time it is booted.  I can find no trace of any information

If you are looking for a route.tab file like other unicies, it doesn't exist.
With a little thought and shell programming it could be set up though...

in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 put the lines:

while read type address gw metric
    case $type in
	    echo $hops | read nm hop
	    route add -net $address gw $gw netmask $nm metric $hop
	host) route add -host $address gw $gw metric $hops ;;

Then create /etc/route.tab
Here is a sample...

# /etc/route.tab
# author: George A. Nies
# gt0543b at prism.gatech.edu or gnies at lanier.com
# read in by while loop in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
# add entries in the following format:
# [host|net] address gateway netmask(if net) (number of hops to gateway)

net 1
host 1

> have a good way of finding answers to simple questions like this one
> without resorting to requesting help and wasting all your time?  I'd

The HOWTOS are usually a good source of down and dirty get it done now info.
But there is no replacement for exposure.


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