[ale] to everyone running Red Hat 3.0.3

Chris Ricker cricker at nyx.net
Tue Aug 6 19:25:23 EDT 1996

On Mon, 5 Aug 1996, Tucker Balch wrote:

> 	1. Crank up X
> 	2. xfig
> 	3. Click on the rectangle tool
> 	4. Click on "PenColor".   If a palette of colors for
> 		you to pick from comes up, you don't have the
> 		problem.

I don't have the problem on RedHat 3.03 with Accelerated X (or with
XFree).  Of course, I always run w/ 256 colors and usually have netscape
open, so when I start up xfig it automagically uses a private color map.
Try configuring X to only have 8-bit color and then run xfig again and see
what happens--it may not fully support higher color depths.


Chris Ricker
cricker at nyx.net
gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu

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