[ale] Compaq 5100

Tsannhui Chu tchu at glenatl.glenayre.com
Thu Aug 1 11:53:38 EDT 1996

Does anybody install linux on Compaq 5100 with integrated ethernet 
controller? My problem are :

1. If I installed linux on that model without movepci.sys device 
driver from Compaq, it worked fine but it could not find the ethernet 

2. If I loaded the movepci.sys (i.e. device=c:\movepci.sys), the kernel 
panic with tons of errors (address errors).

I used the same procedure on Compaq 5120, and it worked perfectly, the 
BIOS version on Compaq 5120 is revision 07/26/95, but on Compaq 5100, the 
BIOS revision is after March, 1996.

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help.

Tsannhui Chu

e-mail: tchu at atlanta.glenayre.com

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