problems with Slack.2.0.2 boot

Ron Skopitz rskopitz at
Thu Nov 17 10:01:58 EST 1994


	I was wondering if there was something i've missed... I'm a Linux
"veteran" with many (too many ;) installs.  We have 2 486 machines using
NE2000 (compatible) e-net cards.

	Both of these machines run/have run Linux in their present
configurations.  I recently pulled the Slackware 2.0.2 net boot disk off of  Both of our machines freeze when loading the kernel
immediately after the line where the IP services get started (TCP, UDP etc.)

	Did i miss something?  As i said i've done this so many times in the
past that now i'm almost embarrassed to ask.  I believe it is locking at the
point where (on previous versions) it does something with PPP.

	If this sounds familiar *please* let me know!!


			       --Ron Skopitz

				 Academic System Administrator
				 Southern College of Technology
				 Marietta, GA

				 rskopitz at

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