[ale] Tin foil, not just for hats any more (crashes cars)

Bob Toxen transam at verysecurelinux.com
Fri Jun 7 13:18:50 EDT 2024

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ACM TechNews; Friday, June 7, 2024
Robot Cars Can Be Crashed with Foil, Paint on Cardboard
The Register (U.K.) (06/03/24) Laura Dobberstein

A team of researchers from several universities demonstrated that an
autonomous vehicle (AV) running Baidu's open-source Apollo driving
platform could be attacked using only metal foil and colored patches on
cardboard. Placing a smooth metal surface between the vehicle's radar
and a target vehicle deflects the transmitted mmWave signals from the
radar receiver and can hide the target vehicle from radar perception. The
reflections also confused the car's LiDAR lasers, while the color patch
affected camera perception by misrepresenting input image pixel values.


NSA Urges Weekly Reboots of Smartphones
Forbes (06/01/24) Davey Winder

In a document detailing mobile device best practices, the U.S. National
Security Agency (NSA) recommends users turn their devices off and then
back on at least once every week to protect against zero-click exploits
and spear-phishing. However, the NSA warns this method is not  guaranteed
to prevent or mitigate attacks. The organization also warned that some
smartphone features "provide convenience and capability but sacrifice


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