[ale] [EXTERNAL] Is PHP the easiest way to make a web application?

Ron admin at bclug.ca
Wed Jun 5 14:55:45 EDT 2024

On 2024-06-05 06:23, Allen Beddingfield via Ale wrote:

> I fully expect a lot of people to disagree.

I will (with all due respect).

> PHP is the easiest thing to host (aside from plain HTML).  Just create
> an Apache virtual host, load the PHP module for Apache and maybe
> rewrite, and give sftp access to the data directory.

If one goes the PHP way, do not use modphp, use php fast cgi module (I 
forget the exact name).

What's old is sometimes what's new again, much to my surprise in this 
case - CGI is back.

It loads a number of PHP modules in advance then passes the scripts off 
to them for faster, non-blocking processing.

In Apache, it requires a module mpm_event instead of mpm_prefork too.

(Don't have access to any running instances at the moment, so package / 
module names are roughly accurate at best.)

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