[ale] Supporting Linux on super computers?

Leam Hall leamhall at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 16:37:12 EDT 2024

On 6/4/24 10:26, Chuck Payne via Ale wrote:
> Leam,
> When they are checking your background, special for secret/top secret. They do look at
> your social media.

Happily, (almost) all of my stupidity was pre-Facebook.  :)  When I went into the military years ago, I had to do the interviews, etc. I was told to be honest, and I was. They didn't shoot me, so it was good enough for them.

> I heard on a secret one they will ask about your private life and is there
> anything that can be used against you?

I've heard the same, I think it's so you can't be manipulated. Maybe that's why being honest up front is better; you may not get the job, but that beats going to jail for treason.

> I wouldn't worry to much a lot of larger cluster will have custom tools
> that you will have to learn. Open Mind and willing to learn.

Cool! I will look at some stuff just to see what it's like. I'm pretty honest on interviews, too. If I know nothing about a topic, I'll say that.

>> On Jun 3, 2024, at 4:05 PM, Leam Hall via Ale <ale at ale.org> wrote:
>> For those of you who know, what's different about supporting Linux on
>> supercomputers?
DevSecOps Engineer         (reuel.net/resume)
Scribe: The Domici War     (domiciwar.net)
General Ne'er-do-well      (github.com/LeamHall)

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