[ale] Saving electricity with Linux

Brian Stanaland brian at stanaland.org
Sun Jun 2 07:48:18 EDT 2024

> "Back in the day" when supercomputers like Cray, Control Data and others ruled the market their use of electricity was legendary.   A Cray-1 was rumored to produce enough hot water to heat 10 homes in Toronto, Canada.   The cost of a supercomputer was so high that very few agencies could afford one

Cray has come a long way since then. As have supercomputers in
general. Still use gobs of power but at least that gets measured and
ranked now. Seven of the top ten green systems are Cray. They're not
slow, either. The lowest rank on the regular top 500 is 128 (2nd on
the green list) while the number 11 fastest is the 8th greenest. (And
I admit that I'm a little biased since I work on them.)


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