[ale] (OT) Artemis launch watch

DJPfulio at jdpfu.com DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Sat Sep 3 23:04:57 EDT 2022

Looks like multiple weeks of delay.
Ref: https://spaceflightnow.com/2022/09/03/hydrogen-leak-delays-moonshot-by-at-least-several-weeks/

There are moon launch times in Sept, but SpaceX has an ISS crew launch scheduled in early Oct.

"That means the SLS launch likely will slip into the next launch period, which opens October 17 and runs through Halloween, unless a solution can be found to speed up the repair work."

On 9/3/22 21:14, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
> Yeah, it was interesting listening in on mission control operations.
> At one point there was an audible sigh by someone before it was
> scrubbed as if it was saying "I don't want to have to say it".
> Today's scrub was due to a different issue than what caused the scrub
> to occur earlier this week on Monday. Still waiting to hear from NASA
> if they're going to re-attempt on Monday or not at this point. If
> they feel they can't re-attempt on Monday then it's likely they will
> send the crawler back out to bring it back from the pad to the VAB
> and won't launch until sometime in October.

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