[ale] You know you're getting old....

DJPfulio at jdpfu.com DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Thu Jul 21 15:22:31 EDT 2022

On 7/21/22 13:55, Scott Plante via Ale wrote:
> 40 days?? You can learn it here in 100 seconds! :-P 
> https://youtu.be/7d7-etf-wNI <https://youtu.be/7d7-etf-wNI>
> Just teasing, but that Fireship YT channel does have a whole
> collection of fun "X in 100 seconds" videos that work as a good intro
> to some programming language or framework you've either never heard
> of, or have heard of but don't know what it's about.

Sometimes we just want to look at the language solving a well-known programming problem.  RosettaCode.org has 1200+ well-known programming problems and has examples of 800+ different computer languages, each written by an expert, in theory, in that language.  Seeing how different languages can solve the same problem is a good way to see the high level differences and where a language may be more concise or verbose.

For example, how to find duplicate files in a directory structure?
That example has only 24 languages in the example solutions.
Rust looks painful. Ruby appears to be concise. Python looks verbose, but not compared to Java.

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