[ale] You know you're getting old....

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net
Fri Jul 15 17:14:10 EDT 2022

On 7/15/2022 2:24 PM, Sean Kilpatrick via Ale wrote:
> And other than a few government agencies that are stuck with antiquated 
> equipment, who is still using COBOL??

Banks.  According to some sources, every time you swipe an ATM card, 95% 
of the time there is COBOL code involved in processing it.  Evidently, 
it's also heavily used in payroll processing.

Go open VSCode, go to the extension search box, and type in COBOL. 
You'll find nearly 50 extensions come up, including at least one 
providing IntelliSense for it.  There is evidently enough demand for 
COBOL to have support for it provided in the VSCode extension marketplace.

As I put it elsewhere recently, COBOL is still being used because it 
still works for what it does, and has been working for literally decades.

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net | For the wise man, doing right trumps
http://oloryn.benshome.net/     | looking right.  For the fool, looking
Amateur Radio NJ8J              | right trumps doing right.
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